Monday, September 17, 2012

Middle way

by Amiya Chatterjee on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 at 13:52 ·
You said stay in the middle
stay between life and death........Fast asleep
Stay in between day and depth
 Between light and
between Union and detachment......tearful
Between emptyness and fullness.....Ecsatatic
Between creation and destruction .....contemplative
Between the Eyebrows ....... Resigned

I  lie in the middle for so long...
Yet why does your mutilated smile 
inbetween  two souls dishevell the ocean's  heart !!!

1 comment:

  1. because we know middle is a fiction, because in between uncertainties and doubts, we have the answer, but we wait, till it speaks out, we wait till it touches us..we wait, sometimes, eternal...
